Here's how to... beat a summer cold, fast

Tuesday 9 July 2013
We all expect a cold in winter. After all, the combination of freezing weather, nights in eating tub after tub of ice cream and damp days of rain would take its toll on even the most healthy among us. But a cold in summer is just wrong. As I type, the sky is blue, birds are chirping, the cat's found a sun patch and is warming himself on the window sill... people are happy. THE WORLD is happy. It's no time to be struck with the lurgy. Especially if you're a hayfever sufferer - it's a double whammy of snot and coughs for you unfortunate souls.

So. If you're unlucky enough to have caught a summer cold - blocked nose, cough and all - there's not much you can do except ride it out, as there is no cure. Sorry about that. But here are a few simple remedies to help move it along so you can get back outdoors and enjoy the warmth, sunshine, and Pimms.

1. Rest loads

It may be tempting to head to the pub with all your mates, but a day spent out is the last thing your body needs. Sleep when you feel tired and laze about for a few days. This will give you time to recover and heal.

2. Drink loads

Water won't flush away your cold, but being hydrated will give you body the best chance to get rid of it. It'll also help with congestion and could make your head feel clearer. Sounds gross, but you'll want to drink enough to keep your wee a slight yellow colour.

3. Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Not only will they dehydrate you, but your body will have to work double-time to work them out of your system. Try hot lemon with honey as an alternative, or grab yourself a box of decaf if you're a tea addict. It's only for a week, so don't panic (although if the thought of no wine fills you with dread it's probably time to detox anyway).

4. Gargle

If you have a sore throat, gargling salt water can help soothe it.You'll need a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of salt. Make sure it's fully dissolved, then gargle for 20 seconds. Spit it out, then repeat until you've gone through the whole glass. Follow with a glass of lemon and honey to take the taste away (you can drink this!).

5. Steam

There's nothing worse than a blocked nose. Nasal sprays work well, but they can be addictive and leave your nose sensitive for weeks after use, so a more gentle way to rid congestion is with a bowl of steaming water, a towel and a few drops of Olbas Oil. Steam as often as necessary and you should start to feel a bit better.

What about you? Do you have any tried and tested family secret recipes, or are you more inclined to start on the pills until you can breathe normally again? 


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