Why living in the city can ruin a woman's health

Wednesday, 25 September 2013
We all know a poor diet can affect our moods. But according to a shocking new study, women's stress levels are also affected by a lack of green space, leading us to believe we have a deeper need for mother nature than we first thought.

What's more, the study suggests there are significant differences in stress patterns depending on your gender, with men hardly being affected whether they're in the middle of a city or living in the idylls of the country. Cortisol, the hormone that's released when we're feeling the pressure od daily life, was measured in men and women living in deprived urban areas of Scotland, and when surrounded by bricks and tarmac, women came off worse. How unfair is that!

So what could be the reasons for this?

Well, the effect green spaces have often include a desire to take up more physical activity, like running, walking the dog or even taking a stroll through the park rather than using the car. All these simple things improve mood increases social contact (even if it is that nosy old lady from the fourth floor) and better mental wellbeing. Just being around the natural world has also been shown to improve bood pressure and heart rate, but in the same way a purring cat on your lap dopes.

So how can you make the most of the parks, woods and rivers around you? here are our five tips for a stress-free life.

1. Ditch the car, and go for a walk
Now winter's drawing in, most of us lazies will hop in the car to make a quick stop to the shops. But taking a five minute walk through a park, on a woodland path can get your heart pumping and give you a change of scenery. bonus points if you have a pooch, they can drag you along.

2. Low moods need natural highs
If you're feeling a bit low, a bit meh and a bit bleurg, it can be tempting to isolate yourself in favour of trashy telly and all the ice cream and jelly beans. But actually, heading outdoors for a half hour amble can give you the lift you need to start feeling better about things.

3. Bring it in
If you really have no natural alternatives in your local area, then you'll need to bring the countryside to you. A tower block roof is ideal and a great way to get some fresh air. Ask your housing manager if access can be granted, and whether plant pots with greenery and shrubbery can be added. If not, a few plants dotted in your house can make all the difference, and they last longer than cut flowers.

4. Wear wellies
Ever remember how fun it was splashing in puddles as a kid? Your socks would get wet and muddy and it would take a week for your shoes to dry, but dammit those were the happiest days of your life. So relive your carefree days, pull on a pair of wellies and a waterproof coat and go out in the rain for a walk. As long as you're wrapped up well and warm, you'll be happy as a duck in water.

5. Camping, glamping and other field-based frivolities
If you live in a city, it can be temping to spend more time in the same. Who wouldn't love a jaunt to Rome, Paris, or New York? But this doesn't really give you a break from they grey and can leave you feeling more drained when you get back home. So instead, look at staying in a country mansion, a yurt, or even sleeping under the stars.

What are your tips for when city living gets on top of you? Let us know in our brand new comment system below (you'll be notified when someone replies!) or tweet us!


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