In 2014 I will stop making New Year resolutions

Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Guys, can you believe 2013 is almost over already?

Whether your year's been good, bad, fun, or just plain strange, looking back I'm sure there are things we wished we could have done more of and definitely things we should have done less of. But rather than worry about another fad diet or giving up the booze/chocolate/burritos because seriously, we all fail those oh so cliché resolutions, why not start thinking about doing something different, to make 2014 a really memorable, happy year?

We've put our thinking caps on and come up with a few suggestions that really only take a bit of time and planning, but will enhance your life for the better. And no gym membership is needed, thank goodness. So, in 2014, I will...

...give up a few lattes and give to a charity

Whether your heart goes out to children in poverty, animals in need or adults requiring some form of help and support, it's actually really easy and affordable to support a charity. If you can't budget a monthly donation, think about a one-off in January and see how the rest of the year goes. All it takes is a bit of planning. So. Say for the entire month of January, you give up that morning coffee. Say instead of spending £2.30 on a latte, you put that money aside for a month. Even two weeks. You could have enough to make a real difference.

...spend at least one day a month with someone special

Life get really busy, doesn't it. In a few days it'll be back to work, and we'll all be saving like mad to pay off last month's pleasures. But don't forget those people who mean something to you. Although Facebook makes people more accessable than ever, it sure does take the social out of socialising. So once a month, plan a day with your nan, your best friend, your mum, sister, even your dog. Leave your phone at home and spend some quality time together. We guarantee it'll make life just that little bit more brighter for everyone.

...go to one new place every season

Whether it's a far-flung exotic island (Bora Bora *hint*) or just a local park you've never really meandered through, it's good to have a change of scenery every now and then. Aim to spend a few hours (at least) experiencing the new sights, sounds and smells around you. Find a lovely little market town in spring and browse the boutiques. In summer, take a train to somewhere. Anywhere. In autumn, head over to a street food pop up and give a new cuisine a go. Wrap up warm and head to the beach in winter. As long as it's new, it's good.

...ditch fate and get some focus

A recent academic study showed people who believed in fate were less better off than those who took control of their lives. £82,000 worse off, in actual fact. The saying 'fortune favours the brave' has never been more apt. So instead of being a passer-by in your own life and thinking those who are popular, wealthy or happy are just lucky, make plans for the future. Whether it's a new career path, a new business, a savings scheme or some other aspect of your life, stop hoping, and start doing.

What are your plans for 2014?
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Here's how to... resign from your job

Monday, 30 December 2013
There's nothing better than leaving a job for better things, whether those things are a shiny new role, a trip to an unexplored land, or just sitting at home in your pants watching Jeremy Kyle. Long hours, a demanding boss, bitchy workmates, horrific commute or boring work are just some reasons why thousands will be looking for a new job in 2014.

So say something better comes along and you want to take your chances at a happier ten hours a day for the rest of your life because retirement just won't happen for most of us. How are you supposed to go about letting your current employer know you're jumping ship?

We asked Annabel, Managing Director of Irenicon, an employment law firm, to give you guys her tips for making sure the process goes smoothly.

1. Be honest
If you're unhappy and stressed out, tell your employer and they might be able to fix the bits you're not fond of. For now...

2. Be crafty
So you've spoken to your boss, given it a few months, and nothing's changed. You know there's no progression and you want out. Keep the fact you're searching for a job quiet. No one wants to work alongside someone who's always making it known they want something else. And honestly, it could be the reason why you're not progressing, or your job is dull. What manager wants to invest in training if you're going to scarper? So keep your thoughts to yourself. Seriously. Don't ever tweet about it, never post anything on Facebook, and certainly don't tell work friends. Because sometimes, those you think have got your back actually have got a backstabbing implement/shiv.

3. Resign with grace and poise
As much as you may want to tell your old boss to shove it, don't. I can't stress that enough. You took a job with them, and (hopefully) you've been paid to do that job. Airing your dirty laundry to all and sundry could make your life difficult during your notice period, and could even get you fired. Unless you have someone higher than you giving you that all-important good reference, you're kinda screwed. So write your thoughts in a journal, or tell your cat, then let them go. Remember, it'll all be over soon anyway.

4. Have a chat. Write a letter. Then email.
Most places will demand at least a week's notice of you. Some want two, and depending on how long you've been with your company, some may even ask for three months. Send a letter, followed by an email if you're in a rush. "Try to say 'I am resigning', not 'I would like to resign.' If there are good things to say, this is a place to say them." Also, detail the start date of your notice period (usually the day after you hand in a letter) and the day you'll finish. Make a note of any remaining holiday days too, you're entitled to take them.

5. During your notice period...
Be sure to work all days. Walking out early could get you in trouble - even if the job you want is an immediate start. "If the notice you give is too short you may forfeit some benefits and some holiday pay," says Annabel. "You may even be liable for damages - for example if your boss has to hire an expensive temp to cover your role for the notice period. This is rare but it can happen." Another tip: delete personal stuff from your office computer, and save any files you may need for your portfolio in good time.

Have you ever resigned? How did you deal with the process? Let our readers know below.
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Review: Drunch, Mayfair

Thursday, 26 December 2013
Tucked away on a little side lane off one of the busiest streets in London is a little café. No, it’s not a café. It’s more like a restaurant. Actually, it’s probably more of a tea house than restaurant. Well, they do serve tea and cake, but it’s definitely a lounge. Saying that...

Much like it’s name, Drunch – either a blend of dinner and lunch, or drunk lunch, we're unsure which – is a tiny little place right next to Bond Street tube station serving everything from tea and cakes to full-on mixed grills. See why we were hesitant to categorise this place as just a cafe?

The place itself is pretty with gorgeous tea sets and hearty food, and works well as a pre-shopping meetup or post-splurge stop off. As for dinner though? Well, you'll have to read on to see what we thought of this boutique eatery.
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Here's how to... survive working as a Christmas retail temp

Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Our writer Shannon's got some tips for anyone (un)lucky enough to be earning cold hard cash as a Christmas temp this year. Here are her tips for staying same.

Working in retail is one of those things that everyone ends up doing at some point, but it isn’t exactly something very many people want to do, especially in the run up towards Christmas. Over the past few months, retail outlets, boutiques and supermarkets have all been on the lookout for people who can spare a few hours over the holiday to help out with the mad rush of shoppers desperate to find a party outfit, that perfect present or the biggest turkey.

And sure, it's not the most exciting work. At the end of the day though, someone needs to do the job and if that someone happens to be you hopefully these tips will help.

1. Be your own customer

Firstly, if at all possible, which I know it isn’t always, try to get a job in shop you like to shop in yourself. At least this way you’ll enjoy looking at all the new products as you put them out and you might even be lucky enough to grab yourself some bargains with your employee discount!

2. The customer might be right, but they can be a pain in the backside too

If you’re working in retail, it is a given that you will have to deal with a lot of customers. Despite the inevitability that the phrase ‘the customer is always right’ will be drummed into your system, in reality they will quite often be the cause of most of your problems. Not everyone who comes into the shop is going to be polite and treat you with respect. But it is vital you remember that if they are rude to you, chances are it really has nothing to do with you. In fact it is probably more to do with themselves and the fact they’ve left their shopping too late again. Just take a deep breath, smile and be courteous. It’s quite likely the customer will calm down as everyone finds it difficult to pick an argument with someone who isn’t willing to fight back.

3. Mean Girls isn't just a film, y'know

It isn’t just customers you’re going to have to deal with. Working in retail can quite often feel like being back at school. There may be cliques, they may all bitch about one another, and it’s quite possible that as a Christmas temp, you’ll probably feel a little bit left out. Just rise above it, definitely don’t join in with the catty conversations and try to avoid the people who really wind you up. There is nothing worse than spending your entire day bubbling with anger just because of a colleague. If that doesn’t work, or it’s not possible to get away from the other staff, just remember you’re a temp, so you won’t even have to deal with it for too long and in no time at all you can be on your way.

4. Forget the time, and lose the watch

While you are at work, try your best to play the ‘avoid-looking-at-the-clock’ game. Seriously, this tip is probably the most important one. Trust me, I know how difficult it is to not check the time when you’re bored at work but if you keep glancing at the clock every few minutes you’ll find your day really, really drags on. Instead, try to set yourself a target. Don’t look at the clock until you’ve finished the big task of the day. You will feel so much better if you’re constantly saying to yourself ‘wow that took me half an hour to finish’ rather than ‘I’ve still got half an hour to go’.

5. And finally, remember this important tip...

When all else fails, just think of the money. Whether a Christmas bonus (which I’m afraid to say is probably unlikely) or just the amount of extra hours you have put in during the run up to the big day. No matter where the money is coming from, you can sleep easy knowing at the end of the month you’ll have a nice, hefty pay check coming your way just in time for the January sales!
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So you're in your twenties. Time for travel, or creating a career?

Monday, 23 December 2013
We asked writer Laura Greenslade which was best for twenty-somethings: forging a career like a mini Donald Trump, or travelling the world?

Your early twenties - they're filled with so much expectation. Waving farewell to those awkward teenage years, we're supposed to hit twenty and somehow get our lives together. It's a time when we're supposed to do, see, and be a million plus one things.

But what are our twenties really for? Are they for starting a career, establishing your profession and working towards your dream? Or are they for travelling, seeing the world and finding new places? If, like me, you are a recent graduate you've probably pondered this question many times while putting off an essay or mindlessly staring at your depleting bank balance.

For many graduates and 'young professionals' it's an age-old question, much like the the Chicken and Egg dilemma. Which should come first? Travel or a career? Both are unique and worthy paths to follow.

Starting a career early can obviously have so many benefits. With the economic crisis still in full bloom, and literally thousands of job seekers willing to recite the Greek alphabet while jumping on a pogo stick and making cup of tea after cup of tea just to get an internship and work FOR FREE, it can make you wonder if it is worth joining the working world just yet. Industries, particularly media and journalism, are becoming ever increasingly more competitive, and unless you're well connected, opportunities seem to become fewer and farther between.

But should this encourage us all to run away travelling just because it’s going to be a hard slog? I spend some days living in fear that if don't start my career now then too many opportunities will have passed and too many connections will have given up on me.

But maybe all this worry and self-doubt is the reason that I should go travelling, to relax, discover and be at one.

Many twenty somethings load up their backpack, wave goodbye to family, travel the world and return home months or years later inevitably with a tan, sun-kissed hair, way too many shell necklaces/leather bracelets and a subtlety hidden tattoo that doesn’t quite translate properly. Cliché? Yes. Do I want to do it? Yes. Most of us probably don’t particularly feel the need to go on an epic journey to ‘find ourselves’. Most of us have probably had a good grasp on who we are. But that doesn’t mean we don’t still have things to learn. And maybe, just maybe, we just want to see the world. We all know that immersing ourselves in other cultures can make us more well-rounded, educated and open minded individuals. 

If this is true, then surely travelling only enriches life therefore making you more qualified for any future jobs?

So what's the right choice to make? I suppose the answer is simply that your twenties are the time to do whatever's best for you. In an ideal world I would probably be working abroad somewhere completely culturally different to the UK. But for now I guess I’ll just wait a little longer to find out the answer to that question. What comes first?

What do you think? Are your twenties a time to travel, tick off your bucket list and be reckless, or are they the time to work like a dog on the building blocks that may establish your future career?
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Review: The Cricketers, Kew Green, Surrey

Friday, 20 December 2013
The Cricketers pub and restaurant in London's Richmond, Kew GardensTucked away in the picturesque area of Kew Gardens, we were only too happy to make the journey across London to check out the Cricketers, a pub that’s recently undergone a facelift akin to that of Liz Taylor.

Now cricket (or griggit, from here on in), is a bit dull. It's been going on for what seems like decades this summer alone. And even though England have somehow lost - how one actually loses in cricket the editor is unsure - they still have what seems like billions of years of play left. However, we were pleasantly surprised at how colourful the history of the Cricketers is. Formerly the pavilion (where the batsmen get ready and have tea) for the local griggit team, it endured a tough period under its previous guise of the Rose and Crown, picking up a bad reputation along the way. Any early apprehension soon faded when even the local taxi driver had rave things to say about the Cricketers.
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CLOSED #Win! Your very own custom website

Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Aside from a clearly broken glass dolphin statue bought from a charity shop, I’ve never been given a gift from my boss. Granted I’ve been my own boss for a good while (I give myself gifts all the time, mainly cupcakes). But I wasn’t massively surprised to read* that over half of us have never get an end-of-year reward from their superiors, with the South East being the most tight-fisted. Saying that, with a wealth of crappy gifts being doled out on employees, I wouldn’t say that was a bad thing.

In the survey one worker got given twelve bags of dog food. Another received cat food... she had no pets. One generous boss decided to give her staff an extra five minutes on their tea break. Perhaps the most bizarre was tumble dryer freshener sheets. Wow. Thanks boss. Your employer's hard work was really recognised and appreciated with that one.
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LONDON | Review: Supercity Aparthotels, The Rosebery

Friday, 13 December 2013
After spending the night in an apartment a while ago - and leaving feeling thoroughly disappointed and refusing to write a review because there was very little good that could be said and I'd end up sounding like a bad-tempered, whining bitchbag - I was really hesitant to try another. Because while apartments give you the experience of living like a minted Londoner in some of the most exclusive postcodes, you're very much on your own. You don't get the amenities and luxuries of a hotel. Like shampoo. Or a fully functioning kitchen.

Except at Supercity, which call themselves luxury aparthotels. The website doesn't do this brand any justice whatsoever - I had no idea what to expect. All I could figure out was that the apartments are new, I saw a Nespresso machine in one of the photos and mention of them being serviced which, after my last stay in London was welcome news.
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Here's how to... survive the Christmas crowds in London

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Located right in the middle of Theatretown, Kamique's speciality is their range of mojitos with a twist. Sure there's the standard classics we all know about. But it's worth giving their seasonal variations a go, like the berry mojito made with fruit purée, served in a jam jar and garnished with a blackberry based on the recommendation of the waitress (who, by her own admission, has made thousands of mojitos). The fizzy cocktails are a great alternative if you're not a fan of the Cuban classic - try the Peach Bellini or Kir Royal for great classics, or the Vesper Martini. This definitely beats the chains that are ten a penny in the West End. For New Year, they're going all Great Gatsby with a 20's style dinner - perfect for those who want to party the night away in their finest flapper dress and feathered head band.

The Perkin Reveller

If you find yourself around the Tower of London or Tower Bridge, it's worth booking a table at The Perkin Reveller and enjoying the views with a cocktail in hand. They support local producers and love tourists - offering a mix of British food with an international twist. We gave their food and cocktails a review here, see what you think...


If you're more of a Camden market fiend, try some authentic Mexican cuisine. The Molcajete Mestizo is delicious and worth a try - I first had this about ten years ago and was hooked. Choose chicken or beef, and watch as it bubbles away a volcanic stone bowl. Wash it down with a festive margarita or two or skip the cocktails and go for tequila (only go for the tabasco if you're strong stomached)!


More than likely, you'll be headed to the huge department stores around Oxford Street. Rather than find yourself in yet another queue waiting for a tepid latte, Drunch serves warming teas, refreshing juices and amazingly healthy food just a stone's throw from Bond Street station. The huge glass windows mean you can people watch, or head downstairs into the caves and arches, kick off your shoes and play on their games consoles, catch up with your favourite TV show, or just lounge about. You should try the cold busting honey, mint and lemon tea (pictures), and go for the mixed grill if you're feeling peckish - all their food is fresh and homemade. This is my new go-to place when I find myself in Mayfair. It's way cheaper than your usual coffee.

Tom's Kitchen
Canary Wharf is home to a vast shopping centre, and doesn't see the usual drove of ourists and shoppers that Oxford Street does. If you're heading over to the Isle of Dogs and docklands, pay Tom's Kitchen a visit. It's a cafe, bar and deli, so you can grab a glass of fizz, have a warming coffee, or order some fresh food to fill you up before heading back to the shops.

The Lost Angel
Featured on made in Chelsea, the Lost Angel is where I've had the best lavender gin cocktail of my life. Despite trying other bartender's variations across the UK, nothing comes close to what was made for me here - I'd go back just for that one cocktail alone. The bar is lovely, and a short walk from the river. It makes a lovely stop off if you find yourself south of the river.

Have we missed a shopping stop off? Let us know!
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Two winter warming hot cocktails

Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Created by mixologist Joel Persson for Rekorderlig. Available at bars around the country.

30ml Dark rum
20ml Sweet sherry
10ml Sugar syrup
3 dashes Angostura Bitters
1/2 egg
200-250ml Hot Rekorderlig Winter Cider
Rekorderlig Winter Cider Tankard (250ml)

Mix all the ingredients together in a pan and whisk the egg into them. Heat pan on a stove, stirring gently. Pour into a Rekorderlig tankard. Dust with ground cinnamon, then serve with a candy cane and star anise.

Chinese Winter Punch
Created by mixologist Daniele Ziaco and available at Ping Pong restaurants.

15ml Zacapa Centenario, 23 year old rum
35ml Punch Abruzzo
1 dash of mocolatl mole Bitters
1 sliver orange zest
1 sliver lemon zest
1 cinnamon bark
10 grams of black chocolate tea

Pour Zacapa Centenario, 23 year old rum and Punch Abruzzo into a highball glass and ddd a dash of xocolatl mole Bitters. Drop in orange and lemon zest, and a stick of cinnamon bark. Into a single serve teapot add 10grams of chocolate tea and top with boiling water. Wait at least 45 seconds. Pour the hot tea over the rum, zest and cinnamon, inhale the aromas and enjoy!
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Blogger trends we hope we'll see in 2014

Tuesday, 10 December 2013
December's the time to look back on the year and evaluate what went right, what went wrong, what should change and what should stay the same.

So here are our blogger predictions for 2014.

Spon con gone
With bloggers more divided over sponsored content than ever - and Twitter-hosted chats ending up drama-fuelled conversations whenever PR/advertising is mentioned - bloggers will find new ways of making money from their little corner of the internet without that dreaded 'sponsored content' disclaimer. While sponsored content is the easiest way to cash monies, we're thinking Vine will play a role in really quick and easy 6 second ads for brands without being the same old same old we're used to seeing.

The Buzzfeed effect
Instead of reams of copy (because no one has time to read through thousand word features when they're 500-down on Bloglovin') we'll see long features broken down into bite-size chunks for ease of reading. Think bullet points and numbered lists with simple paragraphs of information easily read and digested. 

Finding the G-spot
Love it or, more than likely, loathe it, Google places higher emphasis on g+ than anything else. Next year we'll see bloggers getting more involved with pluses and circles in order to improve their page ranks and promote their blogs. It'll be a steep learning curve for some as this is the social media platform that's being forced upon us rather than being something we willingly adopt, but the rewards should offset the frustration of getting to grips with however the hell it works.

Be a guest
Not just to show off your knowledge on a certain subject, guest posts should always include backlinks to your site. With SEO taking a different turn and keywords being more random than ever, this is the key to start building a proper footing. The more backlinks bloggers get, the better. Be prepared to work hard to guest post on blogs with real klout - and start networking and building relationships with bloggers in lots of different genres. One or two well placed backlinks can work wonders, so pitching out to bloggers will start to really be important.

The demise of the one-track pony
We'll see less of the categorised blogger, and more of a merge. So a fashion blogger may still focus on clothes and posing like a swan for OOTD posts, but they'll also start including the odd recipe and review - without falling into the lifestyle genre. Beauty bloggers will still be smearing lipstick over their hands, but will start delving into opinion features. Carving out a niche was important when blogs were less popular and there was more scope for individuality. But now, with hundreds of thousands of posts on every subject imaginable being posted daily, it's time to start thinking outside your blog and spreading out.

What do you think? Are we hitting the nail on the head, or do you think we're completely off the mark? Is there anything you're going to try to do in the new year? Let us know on twitter or in the comments.
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CLOSED: Win! A £25 hungryhouse voucher

Sunday, 8 December 2013
It's cold, there are twinkling lights wherever you go and Instagram is full of heavily filtered photos of market stalls selling mulled wine and bratwurst. Before you know it, it'll be time for the dreaded office party, where your boss dances like a loon to We Are Family, your colleagues bitch about who's overdressed and naughty flirting happens in the darkest corners (oh la la!).

If you're lucky, you'll end up in some glitzy venue sipping champagne and nibbling on the finest canapés while enjoying civil chichat. If you're not, you'll end up in Boardroom A with an Iceland prawn ring and semi-flat prosecco.

The guys and girls over at hungryhouse recently polled their users on their craziest party stories, and this got us itching to discover what your worst office party stories are - because we're nosy like that!
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Colourful shoes to beat drab dark nights

Friday, 6 December 2013
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Review: Perkin Reveller, Tower of London

Thursday, 5 December 2013
Settled literally underneath one of the most famous bridges in London is a little restaurant that's usually chanced upon by eager-eyed tourists taking in the sights, sounds and smells of the city (smells are down to the street vendors selling cups of caramel peanuts and hot sugared almonds). The Perkin Reveller - we'll get to why it's called that in a moment - is a cute little place serving all kinds of hearty foods and sumptuous cocktails, overlooked by the river, and the imposing Tower Bridge.

We popped over to the Wharf for a quick bite on a Friday evening to check it out, and honestly, we were impressed. Becasue although you're in the heart of tourist town (the place is literally sandwiched in between two hugely historic places of interest) the Perkin Reveller was full of locals enjoying a quick drink after work before heading back to their homes for the weekend.
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Review: Home Is Where..., Birmingham

Tuesday, 3 December 2013
When we challenged Brummie blogger Tasha Mughal on Twitter to find the best cafe in her home city, we were pretty sure nothing would beat London's charms. Here, she talks about one of her new favourite places. And take it from us readers, we're jealous we don't live next to this little place!

Cafés are ten a penny in any city, with a vast amount of chains taking over the high street. So sometimes it’s nice to discover a little independent gem that delivers, it's like finding your own buried treasure.

Located on the outskirts of Birmingham City Centre, near Pigeon Park and Birmingham Snow Hill; is this lovely quaint deli/café, Home Is Where. It is located amongst a coffee shop, a high end menswear shop, Hotel Du Vin and Birmingham's business district. It stands out and for all the right reasons.
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