Is anyone really surprised pop brat and general annoyance Justin Bieber got arrested?

Thursday 23 January 2014
It's finally happened. The feminine-faced pop brat Justin Bieber was arrested in the early hours across the pond for being a reckless moron and ALLEGEDLY street racing in a supercar in a tourist area while ALLEGEDLY under the influence of alcohol and who knows what else. What makes this more ridiculous is that his entourage ALLEGEDLY blocked the road so he could play his ridiculously dangerous game while his FATHER was ALLEGEDLY with him at the time. Way to parent there, bro. Seriously.

Not being a twelve year old, I think I've gone through his past few years in action without actually hearing one of his songs. I couldn't name one of his albums, or even explain how he got famous. But I do know he's graced the Sidebar of Shame on more than one occasion. Brattish behaviour, egg throwing, lashing out at paparazzi, and just generally being a repulsive person have sealed his fate as a selfish moron. To most.

His mother has said that we shouldn't judge him, we should pray for him. And maybe she's right. Maybe we should see this as a giant cry for help, one that could stop him overdosing on the pavement outside a nightclub while scared and terrified people look on as he foams at the mouth gasping for breath. Maybe it would stop him getting a gun and taking away his own life due to the enormous pressure fame has placed on his shoulders. Maybe.

But this is a time for judgement. His fans, Beliebers as they're hideously known, have always found ways to excuse his behaviour. "HATERZ," they cry, while lambasting people with taste in music, and sending death threats to anyone brave enough to say what all sane people think - he's a brat who has no limits and no end of funds in which to cause no end of trouble. To Beliebers, their idol could commit mass murder, kill a dozen puppies and drown a thousand kittens and they'd write it off as HATERZ not appreciating him.

As much as I despise it, he is a role model to millions. He's telling people it's ok to drink, use drugs, drive and basically do whatever they want, screw anyone getting hurt in the meantime. The law is finally using its power to show this isn't the case. And I for one would love to shake the hand of the policeman who was probably itching to take him away for his mug shot and a night in a cell.

What's next for him? Who knows. I don't particularly care. As long as he stops putting people in danger, I'll be happy.

Update: In true moronic Belieber style, the hashtag #freebieber is trending. Which makes it even more imperative he does time. Don't worry though guys, he'll rebrand as a gangstah rapper and you'll have even more money to spend on him! LOL!

What do you think? Is Justin descending into a meltdown of Lohan proportions, do you think his people will PR their way out of it with a faux-teary confessional on Oprah, or will he actually learn to stop being such a pretentious, entitled, terrible-haired diva?


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