Calling all bloggers! Would you like to be our #610hotel reviewer?

Friday, 8 November 2013
We love bloggers.

It takes real dedication and commitment to keep a blog running, especially as most enjoy blogging as a hobby. Not to mention the time, energy and expense to make each and every site look its best, and each and every site look unique. From girls blogging about their favourite charity shop finds, to boys blogging about fatherhood, we love discovering news and unread gems

Here at six out of ten, we work just as hard to bring you guys content and reviews that matter. But we're a tiny team of unpaid writers with full time jobs and full time lives, like you guys, so there's only so much we can cover. As we're a site for UK and Irish women, we rely on writers getting in touch to offer their own take on life, love and anything else. And especially their favourite places all around the country.

In the last few weeks, Abby of Wanderlust and Bake was chosen to review flirty and feminine myhotel in Chelsea. We loved her site design, her eye for a pretty spectacular photo and her creative content. Abby's following may be low compared to some, but numbers don't matter in this game.

This week, we're offering a blogger the chance to review a Malmaison hotel of their choice, on a date of their choice* in either lively Liverpool, mad Manchester or lovely Leeds. Take a look at their website for details of locations and facilities on offer (seriously, you won't be disappointed).

There are three requirements:

You'll need to have a blog
You'll need to be a stickler for good spelling and grammar (the odd typo's fine. But if you don't know the difference between there, their and they're then we can't consider you)
You'll need to have reviewed a hotel before, whether that's on your latest holiday or a past weekend away

And that's it.

How to register your interest

As you can imagine, we've had hundreds of brilliant bloggers interested who've already emailed. So rather than flood our inbox and risk your reply getting lost in cyberspace, to apply as our reviewer simply tweet the following:

Me me me! I'd love to review @MalmaisonHotels [Liverpool/Leeds/Manchester - please choose one] for @sixoutoftenmag [insert blog link here]

Please make sure you @ us as we won't see your reply otherwise, and don't forget your blog link so we can get an idea of your style and content. You'll also need to follow us as anyone put forward to the hotel will be contacted discretely by DM. If you've already emailed, I'm sorry but you'll need to tweet again so we know you can definitely make it to one of the three venues. If you want to be doubly sure we have your details, that's fine! Just use the contact form putting '610 hotel review' in the subject line, and include your twitter username and a blog link in the body.

I am building up a database of bloggers though, so look our for bar review and launch night emails coming your way soon.

So that's it! We hope you like our new little initiative and can't wait to hear from you!

Laura and the 610 team

*we'll try and accommodate your date request but due to hotel capacity and availability restrictions we may need to put forward a choice of dates.


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