A yes, no and maybe for chocolate wine

Saturday, 23 March 2013
There are many things that go well together. Milk and cookies. Apple and crumbled biscuits. Chocolate and wine. But together. Blended. That's right, chocolate wine.

I confess, I'm a chocoholic. I think this stems from when I was younger because every Thursday my mum and dad would take little Laura and little Lou to Tesco, where we'd each pick out our own full-size tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream and head home to watch Friends while devouring Phish Food, and whatever flavour it was my family chose.

It was a well-loved family tradition, because for those few hours, sat silent staring at Chandler and Monica and the whole gang, we were together. Silent. But together. Which is always the way it should be when it comes to my family.

So yes, chocolate wine. I have to say I was a little apprehensive. Especially when the boy spied the bottle sitting on the worktop.

"What's that?" he said after he got in from work.
"Oh, it's chocolate wine. Like sangria I guess but without the fruit and with chocolate." I poured myself a glass and gave it a whiff. Evidently, Mr D could smell it too, as he asked if I'd bought chocolate body paint. Don't ask.

The wine itself smells, well, chocolatey. If you've ever had those chocolate liqueurs then you'll know the smell - not like melted chocolate, more like dark chocolate after you open the paper or foil for the first time. It almost smells like cocoa powder's been mixed with a bottle of red. I have to say, I wasn't overwhelmed, and the look on my face certainly gave my game away. The bottle (sweetly called Chocolate Shop's Chocolate Lover's Wine ) looked cute. But I was wary of what laid within.

"Are you going to drink it then?" Mr D said. It was definitely a dare.

I tentatively gave it a sip, and I was surprised. It was very sweet. Even with my sweet tooth I couldn't manage a full glass. And it was a bit too heavy to have with pizza and pasta - I prefer something white and dry - but I could easily pour myself a small glass in the evening. It's not something you'd want every night, but when it's cold outside and you feel a bit rubbish, this is definitely a warming pick-me-up.

Mr D gave it a go and wasn't impressed. He's a whisky man, preferring smoky flavours over anything sweet. So I'd suggest if you're a fan of savoury, this probably isn't the one for you. Although I bet it would liven up a tiramisu no end...

Laura is the editor of six out of ten. She has a background in journalism and PR, and loves nothing more than writing. Well. Maybe she loves Eddie Vedder a bit more (a lot more). She lives with her boy and her boycat in a house in Essex. Her favourite things are red lip stains (lipsticks never last), sweet cocktails and fresh, new notebooks.


  1. I would *love* to try this; I'm a complete chocaholic too!I once tried chocolate beer and it just wasn't chocolately enough, this might do the trick though!

  2. Ooh. I might need to track some of this down to tiramisu it! It's not drinking it if you cook with it right? So I can still stay alcohol-free? ;)
