Here's how to... befriend a neighbour

Saturday, 9 March 2013
Neighbours. Everybody does, indeed, need good neighbours. But with most people living next to, above or beneath total strangers, it can be hard to work up the courage to find out who they are. Especially if you've shared a wall or fence for years and barely said two words to each other. I blame the internet.

So. Here's how to strike up a conversation with those strange people next door.

If you're brave, all it takes is giving them a knock. If they are in, apologise for not having the time to meet properly. Compliment them on their wheelie bin skills. Talk about your home, how long you've lived there, and ask what they do for work.
You know. Just have a conversation. If they're not in, well then you'll just have to try again.

If you're shy, it will take a bit more effort on your part. Unless you have neighbours from hell or have posted poo through their letter box, then I'm sure they'll be friendly. (FYI if you have shoved your cat's deposit through their front door, perhaps give this How To... a miss.) Anyway, before you decide to venture over, get a nice card and write all your details on it. Phone number, name, who lives with you, any pets... that sort of thing. Post it on a day you know they're not in.

Then, play the waiting game. If they don't get in contact after a few days, then it's much easier to give them a knock and ask if they got your card. Hopefully this should be enough to create a bit more of a friendship, rather than that really tense smile and a frantic effort to get your key in the lock and shut the door when you accidentally bump into each other.

Yes, like the eponymous theme song quoted above, with a little understanding (and I'm going to add effort here), good neighbours can become good friends.


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