Are you organised or playful? What your make up says about you!

Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Have you ever wondered where Frieda Kahlo kept her paint brushes? Or where Emily Bronte kept the pen with which she wrote Wuthering Heights?

Probably not, but I’m guessing the answer to both of these questions is neither in the bottom of her handbag (with the loose change, old bus tickets and bits of Bombay Mix – I’m such a pig) or in some kind of slightly mucky looking bag she got free with a magazine.

And yet, that's the way I treat the tools I use, everyday, to create my very own work of art. The materials I use to conceal my darker than average under eye area, to add colour to my pallid cheeks and shape my relatively shapeless right eyebrow. Ok, so it’s no masterpiece, but it’s definitely better than the blank canvas.

Maybe it’s just me that treats my cosmetics with such disdain, and it could be said that my ‘approach’ or lack thereof, to cosmetic storage reflects my personality. I’m not particularly organised and nothing in my house has a ‘home’ as such. Everything belongs in the last place I left it.

So if this is true for me, then does your make up, and where you keep it, say about you?

Only essentials, usually nudes.
You’re super organised and only carry the make up you need that particular day; one lip product, blusher for an après lunch touch up and concealer for any unexpected blemishes. You keep them, with a travel mirror and squeaky clean mini brushes, in a neat little pouch. In your neat little handbag.

Everything you might need. And more.
You’re spontaneous; you like to leave the house every morning not knowing where the day might take you, and you just don’t know how you might feel by lunch time, do you? Who knows, you might fancy a Mac nude more than a Rimmel red by 11.30am. You just don’t know and it’s only right to be prepared.
As a result, you overpack. Every piece of make up you own is coming with you (7 lipsticks, 8 eye shadows, 2 mascaras, and counting...) and more than likely, your make up bag just isn’t up to the job. Yours has a broken zip.

High end.
You like the finer things in life and aren’t afraid of spoiling yourself now and again. You’ll often spend £20 on a lipstick but you don’t take decisions lightly; everything in your make up bag is the perfect shade and formulation for your skin. You keep all of your products in an equally chic, and well organised, make up bag.

Rainbow Glitter.
Who cares what colour suits your skin tone best? Not you, that’s for sure. You are playful and love to feel the make up equivalent of ‘overdressed’, and whilst you don’t necessarily spend much money wise, you don’t feel the need to restrict extravagance to special occasions. You've tried every colour eyeshadow, lip liner, blusher and even experimented with those lipsticks only the brave dare to try. The inside of your make up bag is usually full of sparkly dust and shimmery powder.

So are you an ultra organised, classic type? An over-prepared, and over-packed type? A high end glamour puss, or liberally sprinkled with glitter? Let us know!

Gail is a Yorkshire girl who moved to Ireland six years ago. She lives in Co. Cavan with her boyfriend and spends her free time writing, baking cakes and buying dresses. She loves anything vintage and quirky. Gail's a huge fan of Irregular Choice shoes and Morrissey. She considers Minnie Mouse, Ariel and Wonder Woman her style icons.


  1. I'm a weirdo. My make up bag is packed full of nudes and rainbow glitters. I wear nude everything with just a sprinkle of glitter to liven it up. Would love to see a follow up to this with pictures of make up bags. I would gladly share. X

  2. Bombay Mix! Why is there ALWAYS bombay mix in the handbag?! I pretend I'm organised but in reality I have 8 lip products in my bag, a make-up bag full of stuff I don't use, and all the products I use daily scattered on the windowsill. Classy.
