A twenty minute fitness challenge for bum, boobs and bingo wings

Tuesday, 21 May 2013
If you're anything like me, winter's a pretty amazing time of year. There's mulled wine, warming stews with dumplings and endless mugs of peppermint hot chocolates. It's the one time of year you'll be covered up with layers of jumpers, jeans and coats, so indulging in those treats often goes unnoticed. Summer however, is a different story. With denim cut-offs and short summer skirts making an appearance in shops up and down the country, hiding the results of all that indulgence under a maxi dress can only last so long.

So in an effort to get in shape, I banished those bad foods and took action! But, I have to say, the squat challenge everyone's been raving about and I didn't get on. Of course I'd love a firmer bum, but I thought it was a little bit pointless given that other areas needed work too (I'm looking at you, upper arms).

USA Pro's fitness expert and personal trainer Lucy Wyndham-Read has put together an all-over workout to target those pesky areas that need a bit of toning. And the best thing? It only takes twenty minutes to complete, meaning you could easily give this a go during your lunch break or before bed.

She says: "The routine requires very little space meaning you can do it at home or in the park. It's quick, and super easy to follow, a combination of toning - helping to define and give you thinner thighs, smaller waist, lifted bust, sculpted bottom and banishing those bingo wings - and at the same time by adding in some high intensity moves you get to blast calories making it the ultimate fat burner."

So, being an ever-willing guinea pig I gave it a go. Just now. And then snacked on an orange because isn't that what fit people do?

100 Running High Knees
Great for burning fat, this is basically running on the spot. Slow it down if you're struggling, and don't bring your legs too high.

25 Skater Lunges
This tones your legs, bum and abs. Cross your left leg behind your right leg and bend your right knee to 45 degrees.  Extend your right arm out and swoop your left arm across your hips. Jump to the left, swapping the position of your legs and arms. That's one rep.

50 Bust and Bum Toners
This lifts your bum and bust. A double whammy. Alternating straight leg kicks directly in front of your body. Keep your back straight the whole time.

50 Ballerina Booties
Great to tone your lower body. Place your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, with feet angled at 45 degrees. Stand tall and keep your head up. Bend your knees keeping weight on heels your knees directly above your angles, and stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to standing position. On every tenth repetition, jump from the squat position and land back in the low squat to give you extra calorie burn.

50 Tricep and Tummy Toners
For bingo wings and a trimmer waistline. Punching arms as fast as you can and as high as you can manage. Keep your hips still, knees soft and tummy pulled in.

50 Criss Cross Curves
These nip in your waist. Pull in your right elbow to your left knee and alternate. This is one rep. Keep your feet flat on the floor.

Repeat the routine 3 times. It's definitely a bit of a challenge toward the end, but Lucy says if you do this at least four times a week, as well as cutting out junk food from your diet and drinking enough water a day you'll get results after two weeks. Perfect for those upcoming bikini days.


  1. Anonymous06 June, 2013

    Gotta be honest. Even I'm going to try this.
