on why asking for freebies via #prrequest only #makesyoulookdespo

Friday 31 January 2014
Hi everyone! it's me again - the one with all the opinions and none of the actual knowledge, but Who Likes to Think She Knows Everything. I want to talk about something that's really starting to irk the living irks out of me. Picture the scene: it's a dreary Friday afternoon, you're bored of staring at your never-ending tabs of spread sheet dullness, and so to break the monotony, you decide to head to your safe place for a wee natter; Twitter.

Today though, between the usual "I #blogged this!", "#wiwt #ootd #highstreetbrand!" "Randomly Funny Celeb TwitPic" or "Ricky Gervais Ripping On The Christians" there's another hashtag doing the rounds, one that used to be a great way to connect with the right people or get your hands on a press release or some copy, that's allofasudden being abused, taken advantage of and, sadly, getting a whole lot of bad press.

I'm looking at you, #prrequest.

Today, for example, the same one person has used the tag no less than eight times, and only changing the company name that she's directing the tweet at. I don't want to read between the characters, but it reads like this; "Dear [brand]. Can I please have some free stuff? #gimme", and it stiiiiinks of desperation. You really want a brand to reply to you? Do it the right way. Pitch them an idea; tell them why you are approaching them, what you want to review, and how it will benefit them. Because right now, you're doing it wrong.

Ok, so maybe you're a new blogger and you're trying to get noticed. well guess what? You are! But for all the wrong reasons. I happen to know for sure that the PRs reading through that tag have certainly blacklisted you from any future activity, and have told their PR friends to do the same. There's a reason the term 'Blaggers' was (not wrongly to be honest) used to describe a generation of bloggers a few years ago, and that was because of their uncool, lazy, and entitled behaviour. The same behaviour that seems to be returning to our news feeds.

If you're not prepared to pay for it yourself, don't just expect that - because you have a blog - the brand will simply give it to you. Especially if you're asking ten other brands at the same time, and in a public forum no less. You're genuinely embarrassing yourself, and I feel kind of awkward having to watch your selfish behaviour in what is supposed to be my happy place - you're making me want to go back to work.

If you're interested in hearing more about how to successfully (and legally)(and in a less embarrassing way) market your blog or magazine, your Editor and I run a Twitter chat every Tuesday at 7pm (GMT) with the tag #prrequest #MYBchat. You can also follow along at @MarketYrBlogChat for any questions you might have before and after the chat. We're usually far less controversial and much more polite. But for the sake of my happiness, please, pleaaaase, stop abusing something that is wholly an information-seeking resource.

By Erica, of www.imbeingerica.com
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Here's how to... eat chips while you're on a diet (and still lose weight)

With a hell of a lot of us making that same-old-same-old resolution to lose weight ("THIS year I'll finally do it!" you tell yourself, while eyeing up those leftover Quality Street), it's no surprise most stumble at the first hurdle. Just one night out on the town can ruin a week's hard work. And now we're at the very end of January, we're sure a few have fallen off whichever wagon they were riding. So we spoke to Louise Graham, author of Can I Have Chips, who explained why a fad diet is never going to work. And that you can have chips, even on a diet.

Losing weight is hard work; keeping it off is even harder. I should know because I was a yo-yo dieter until I realised the error of my ways. I discovered there's no silver bullet for long-term weight loss, despite what popular diets suggest. If I wanted to lose weight and stay slim I would need to have a radical rethink of my eating habits. What a relief it was to free myself from the cycle of binge and bust, and eat normally (albeit abstemiously).

5:2 diet, Atkins or bog standard calorie counting. You name it, I did it. I spent so much of my life obsessing about food and there was only so long I could keep it up. I decided to use my training as a clinical pharmacologist to research a scientifically sound diet, one I was able to sustain and that didn't alienate me from friends and family.

It is easy to blame us dieters for our lack of staying power but every time I started losing weight I felt so hungry that I soon caved in. Not only did my weight go back on but I invariably ended up fatter than before I started dieting. I knew it was not my fault. It was my body's way of stopping me from starving to death. Research showed that once I started dieting I needed to maintain my new lower weight for six months before my appetite went back down to normal. This explained why faddy diets that you can't stick to lead to rebound weight gain.

After extensive research of the latest obesity studies, I developed my own eating plan based on the only type of diet that has been scientifically shown to be effective for long term weight loss. It is high in appetite suppressing protein to compensate for the increase in hunger triggered by dieting, and low in appetite stimulating sugary foods. Harder to digest starchy carbs prevent food cravings, and vegetables and fruit provide bulk.

The diet in Can I Have Chips? is made up of two phases. Phase One is the weight reduction phase, and phase two teaches you how to maintain what you have lost while living in the real world. During weight loss, creating a calorie deficit is the priority. I found the easiest way to do this is to ditch the sugary drinks and snacks and fill up on three protein rich meals a day of real food low in added sugar and fat. Simple, realistic, affordable and it works. Hardly surprising when this is how our grandparents ate in the days when hardly anyone was overweight.

But your attempts at dieting are likely to be short lived unless you are also prepared to make some mental changes. Take portions sizes for a start. They are getting larger and larger, so share with a friend or ask for a doggy bag – no you don’t really have to have a doggy. Swap some of those yummy processed foods for a virtuous apple, some nuts or even a few fat chips! They are much less fattening than pastry as they contain water.

Create some useful strategies like studying restaurant menus online before going out so that you can make healthy choices. Tune into what your body wants you to eat and when it tells you to stop. Not too difficult when your appetite control mechanisms cease to be corrupted by fast foods. Start to find the upside in all life throws at you. You will feel in a better mood and less inclined to treat yourself like a dustbin to be filled with rubbish.

You are bound to fall off the wagon from time to time, but don't wait until the next day to do something about it, just get straight back on and soon you will be well on your way to the body you desire.

What do you think? Is this making sense, or are you sticking t juicing, and greener-than-green kale shakes? Let us know below! If you want to know more, visit www.canihavechips.co.uk.
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Review: LAQA & Co. Nail Polish and Lip Pencil

Thursday 30 January 2014
New York, New York. One of the most amazing cities in the world. It's beautiful, full of culture, amazing food (Junior's Pastrami still sticks in my mind) and stores that would give any shopping addict their fix for weeks to come.

So when we heard about LAQA & Co., a bright and quirky range of lip and nail products that holds its roots in New York, we were intrigued. Their whole outlook is about convenience - beauty for when you're in a rush. Each one of their products comes in the prettiest packaging designed by young artists all over the world, who get the chance to show their work, and get a cut of every product sold.

They've been featured in Cosmopolitan, Beauty Geek, Vogue and have graced Birchboxes too. So, we tried and tested two of their prettiest products. See what we think.

Fairyblood Fat Lip Pencil

Being a huge fan of lip stains, this was the one I was most excited about. The fat pencil is a glossy, peachy lipstick with a slight shimmer - if fairies were real this would definitely be the colour they'd bleed (that sounds weird). My lips are dry and cracked at the moment, and it didn't sit as smoothly as I'd have liked. But this is due to them being in terrible condition and not the product at all.

Unlike my beloved lip stains which will stay put all day, this needs reapplying every now and then - much like a lipstick - but for lasting power I was impressed.

I probably would have preferred one of the other colours as I like my lips to be bright and bold, so the sold out Ring of Fire in a really luscious red would be better suited for someone looking for more statement pouts.

This is definitely staying in my handbag for a quick, subtle, natural shimmer though.


Hazel Nicholls: Hazel is originally from Ireland, her work being influenced a love of cross stitch and interest in old sayings.

Pimpin' Nail Polish Pen

I'm never going to be a nail art fan, and I honestly can't ever see myself spending my time and pennies week in week out for something I could do at home (when I have the time, that is - you can see why beauty with convenience is something I'm massively interested in). So in all fairness, and in the interests of full honesty, I wasn't ready to be wowed over. It's a pen and a nail polish. Big whoop.

But actually, it's so super convenient I prefer this to the lip pencil above. Because I'm one of those people who won't spend on Shellac, this is such a great alternative. You can either buy the polish counterpart and use the pen as a touch up tool, or just apply the polish direct from the pen. It's easier to hold than a tiny brush, far less fiddly and means you'll never risk chipped nails as you could easily use it on the train, at your desk or even sneakily at the bar.

As far as coats go, you'll need 2-3 to get a really vibrant colour. Pimpin' is a hot pink which is bang on trend at the moment and one of my favourite shades.


Katie Kirk: Katie is a talented artist from Minneapolis, but has recently hatched a harebrained scheme to travel across the States for an entire year in search of design & inspiration.

Fancy trying a shade? You won't find them just anywhere, so check their website for details of their stockists. If you've used LAQA&CO's beauty bits, let us know in the comments below!
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Why I'll never be a fashion blogger.

Wednesday 29 January 2014
We asked Erica, who co-hosts #mybchat (a PR and marketing chat for bloggers, held on Tuesdays at 7pm *join in hint hint*) with us and blogs over at www.imbeingerica.com to give her opinion on trends hitting many a fashion blog at the moment. All opinions (although agreed by many) are her own. So if you happen to love cropped jumpers and midi skirts, well, take it up with her really. 

I am a blogger, yes. I wear clothes too. those two things in no way qualify me to have an opinion on fashion, and yet... somehow, I didn't get the memo. If you're of a sensitive disposition, I suggest you stop reading now because things are about to get judgemental up in here...

1. Midi Rings: Rings on the bendy part of your fingers is just so, so illogical that I really wonder if I need to go into this in any sort of detail at all? I mean, I struggle to wear 'regular' rings because I have terrible memories of that time I almost cut my middle finger off while I was wearing a ring, and remember the absolute horror and torture of trying to take said ring off while half of my finger hung on for dear life (it's okay now, if not slightly bendy... thanks for asking); to wear one half way up my finger and increase the risk of knuckle suffocation? NOPE.

2. High Neck Crop Tops: These remind me of That Guy Who Wears Shorts With A Snow Jacket. Why have the extra warmth up around the neckline, if you're planning to expose your midriff? it maketh no sense to me. This applies to cropped anything, really, unless it's an outer layer (see: item 5.), or worn tucked into a high-waisted something. If not, then no. Redundant clothing is redundant. I'd rather wear a regular top or a scarf and be done with it.

3. Anything Labelled 'Boyfriend': The hint is in the name. if it was designed for a boy, chances are it's not going to flatter my God-given shape. Boyfriend jeans? NOPE. Men's hips are lower than women's and almost always narrower - couple that with my short, water retained legs, and I'm almost always going to look wider than I am, and with the unflattering shape of the jeans, probably squat. Oh! you're wearing heels with your cuffed boyfriend jeans to promote your femininity! Just no. "But my Boyfriend Coat is baby pink! It's so retro and girlie and cool!" It isn't. It's ill-fitting; it hugs my bum, hangs off my boobs and makes me look like a turnip in a power-coat. Hey, ho! I'm all for being androgynous, but you don't see the guys wearing our pencil skirts or pussy bows just yet, so maybe there is a line that needs to be drawn. I'm drawing it.

4. Smocked Dresses: What is this, art college? The pictured dress is really a bad example, because the more I look at it, the more I want it. Hey, I get the retro thing - trust me, but smock dresses were originally for the impregnated (or heavy set); used in place of zips or buttons, and to eliminate the need to buy different sized clothes. What's your excuse? it's FASHUN? Just no. Belt it up and we can talk.

5. Cropped Jumpers: I am guilty of a cropped jumper, but not in the same way that some FASHUN BLOGGAHZ are. I wear mine over a collared, fitted dress - to keep warm but still flatter my shape. Not with see-through leggings, a slouchy, slogan beanie and cut out boots. More evidence of redundant clothing can be found in item 2.

6. Midi Skirts: Euurgh. My cankles are the widest part of my leg (not including my tharse), why oh why would I wear something that stops right where the height of my water retention starts? Just saaah unflattering. Sure, I could add a heel and that would potentially lengthen my legs but trust me: this is one trend not suitable for this particular human's confidence.

7. I Don't Even Know What To Call These: Is it a sandal? Is it a shoe? One thing's for certain, it looks like a tractor tyre, and certainly not comfortable. I am so unimpressed with the 90's revamp that continues to invade the high street, because I abhorred the 90s the first time around. The girls and boys out there embracing the current trend were obvvvviously born after these horrors had their initial day in the sun, and instead must've grown up looking adoringly at photos of their brothers and sisters' awful fashion crimes as kids. It's the only plausible explanation for these hybrid school-shoe platform monsters being considered hip. The ONLY ONE.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why - despite my obvious good looks, ability to pose in my bedroom like a pro, and wax lyrical about "why adoorrrrrreeeee [insert current boutique brand here], I shall never cut it as a FASHUN BLOGGAH. I appreciate my well-hidden waist and the comfort of a brogue all too much.
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We Ask a Boy to try Synaesthesia at Lush Spa, Chelsea

Tuesday 28 January 2014
Spas are for girls, right? With the robes and slippers and things that smell like flowers and all that jazz. And even more so with Lush's strong fragrances, pink bath bombs and all manner of lotions and potions with quirky names and quirkier ingredients. Well, we decided to drop a man in the middle of Lush Spa's country kitchen for an hour to see how he got on...

When I agreed to go for a spa treatment, I found myself asking this question - how many girls will get their blokes, brothers or dads a spa day for a special occasion? I expect very few. However, metrosexuality is on the rise, and us men are indulging in spoiling ourselves. Those creams that were once reserved for girls are now finding their way into our bathroom cabinets and washbags. I for one have five different kinds of moisturiser for my face alone. My point? There's absolutely nothing wrong with looking after your skin and body. And a pamper every now and then.

Based on the famous King's Road in swanky Kensington and Chelsea, Lush Spa is a whole new kind of relaxation. It's downstairs off the main high street, so there's no passing traffic to disturb you.

We arrived through the main doors, and spoke to a few of the staff. One of the girls, we didn't get her name, asked what we were having. When I mentioned I'd like Lush's signature treatment, Synaesthesia, her face lit up. "My friends and I had it four years ago, and we were so chilled after, getting the tube home has never been more relaxed!"

We headed down the winding stairs to to basement, and chatted to the therapists Holly and Chloe. Holly explained Synaesthesia is totally unique to what you want and how you feel at that moment in time. It involves all the senses, from the colour of the room to the sounds that will take you out on a day-long journey. All of this is tailored to how you feel, which means no two massages will ever be the same.

So, you're sat in the basement, styled as a country kitchen, and asked to read a list of words before picking the one that jumped out at you. After embarrassingly admitting I struggle to read Lush's typography (does anyone else have this problem, btw?), I settled on wanting to be uninhibited. Next, you pick a bottle, again, the one that drew you to it above everything else. I chose muscle as my scent. It would work on my shoulders, pinning me back ready to face the world.

What happened next is a bit of a sleepy blur, but I do remember it was the most relaxing 80 minutes of my life. I had my head, neck, shoulders, back, arms and legs massaged, with hot stones placed at different points on my stomach. I honestly thought Holly had three hands massaging me. The trick is to let the experience take you. It's more of a meditative experience, than a standard full body massage. Yeah, the massage will relax your body from from head to toe (literally). But close your eyes and drift away with the sounds. Take in the smell, and totally transform yourself.

I did this. And it was amazing. So much so I struggled to walk and speak in the hours following the massage. Nothing was going on between the ears. Lights were on, but not only was nobody home, they'd long left the country.

After the session was over, I sat and relaxed with a cup of tea blended with the same scents I'd chosen earlier. It brought together the massage, the smell and now the taste of what I'd just gone through. Lush also sent me home with the same uninhibited massage and a muscle stone bar for the bath to recreate the experience.

So girls. If your boyfriend, partner, dad or brother is open-minded enough not to be 'I am man bring me my spear and I will go and hunt', this is a perfect way to get him in a great mood for a long, long time. Because boys deserve to be pampered, too.

Synaesthesia costs £125 for an 80 minute massage, including teas, and your take home goodies. If you're interested in giving it a go, you'll find more details at www.lush.co.uk
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Review: The Drift Bar, Heron Tower, London

Monday 27 January 2014

We've talked about how to get high in London before. But there are some absolutely amazing little places at the bottom of those big skyscrapers too. Take Drift for example. When I worked in the city (please, don't remind me - it was a bad time and all those 5am up-and-dressed alarms have been deleted thank you very much) I used to walk past this place all the time. I thought it was just a bar with a few alfresco tables and blankets for city workers to have a drink. Reader, I was wrong.

For those not in the know with London's skyscrapers (srsly, why not) Heron Tower is one of the newest high-rise multifunctional buildings in London. Situated opposite Liverpool St Station on Bishopsgate, the top floors are reserved for Duck and Waffle, an open all hours bar and restaurant and Sushisamba, serving a mix of Japanese and South American food. The queues are almost always out the door and around the corner, so it's somewhere I've never fancied going.

Drift, though, is located on the ground floor, so admittedly it's not going to have the same wow factor as you would get on the 40th. It kinda overlooks the second phase of Heron Tower, which at the moment is a literal building site. BUT, keep reading. Because this is one place that's definitely worth a visit, even just for the salted caramel alcoholic milkshake.

So you get to Heron Tower. You admire the huge, massive fish tank in the building's main lobby. The receptionists are trained to be able to recognise each fish, so you consider testing their knowledge, but food and drink awaits. To the left of the tower is Drift's entrace. Downstairs is a bar area with a few tables. This isprime drinking space for office workers letting their hair down and ramming company credit cards. Up the stairs is another matter entirely.

Firstly, there's a faux fur adorned private mezzanine room, with a view of Heron Tower reception's fish tank from the back, which is pretty cool. At the top of the stairs is the dining room, a huge cavernous space with driftwood tables, gorgeous Morrocan styled tiling on the walls, and comfy chairs. It was packed to the rafters on a Tuesday at 8pm, which is a huge testament to the place. Office workers are fussy creatures, and city folk are used to good service, good food and better prices. Because if one of the three is missing, there's a whole host of other restaurants to visit.

We were greeted by a cheery girl, who showed us to our table. Lorenzo, the waiter, came over and took our drink orders. The cocktails looked amazing, but we were all about prosecco and food. Once we'd sipped our drinks, we had look at the menu. There's everything from sharing plates, to steaks. Something for everyone.

We chose a sharing platter to start, with a mix of battered prawns, meats and an onion, mushroom and blue cheese bruschetta. The prawns were divine, coupled with a red pepper dipping sauce, but the bruschetta was definitely the highlight (I pinched the recipe too. For this I am not sorry).

For starters, we had deep fried squid at Drift Manager Wayne's recommendation, and chicken skewers with a satay sauce dip, both served on rustic chopping boards. The portion sizes were huge - if you're a small eater then you'd be fine with just a starter.

Mains arrived promptly, a huge array of scampi with fat chips served in a deep fat frying griddle, and a Malaysian vegetarian curry with added chicken.

This is where we felt it was a bit weak. The scampi was lovely, but there was so much of it even two of us having a go were defeated. The batter was lovely and crisp, but it was slightly plain and very filling. However, this could be because it was totally overshadowed by the curry which was out of this world. We asked to speak to the chef to get to the bottom of what was in it, and he explained it was a mix of coconut, lime leaf, ginger, vegetables, and all manner of South East Asian flavours. We were seriously impressed and this was polished off, leaving the poor scampi looking rather untouched at the edge of the table.

After sitting back, Lorenzo came over with dessert menus featuring cakes, brulees and knickerbocker glories. We were massively stuffed, so settled with a salted caramel milkshake, with added bourbon to make it more of a grown up drink. It was delicious, but I'd have definitely enjoyed it had I not stuffed my face with all manner of meats, fish and veggies.

All in all, we had a great night in this beautiful bar. Service, we felt, rivalled that of high end restaurants we've been to, but still managed to make us feel relaxed after a long day at work. Prices were brilliant for London, with a platter serving 2-3 people costing about £9, and mains at £10. It's definitely worth a visit, even just for the milkshake.

The Drift | Heron Tower, 110 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AY | 0845 468 0103
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Recipe: Strawberry Milkshake Pancakes

Friday 24 January 2014
Strawberry milkshake pancake recipe

Ok. We know Shrove Tuesday (or Pancake Day for the more sweet-toothed among you) is miles away. But in case you can't wait to start flipping pancakes, this tasty recipe ads a bit more ooompf to the otherwise sweet treat by using strawberry milkshake actually in the batter.

So, whether you're a culinary newbie wondering just how to make perfect pancakes, or a seasoned pro looking to create a more fluffy, American-style breakfast pancake, give the below a go.

Hint: We'd recommend serving with berries and cream, or going all out by spreading Nutella over the pancake, the topping with chopped bananas, strawberries and raspberries, before adding a few spoonfuls of vanilla ice cream. Hey, if you're gonna have a strawberry milkshake pancake, you might as well do it in style.

Strawberry milkshake pancake recipe


1 free range egg
50g plain flour
150ml Shaken Udder strawberry milkshake 
Butter or oil
Toppings of your choice

Makes 6

Mix ingredients in a bowl using a fork, whisk or blender - it should end up the consistency of single cream for crepes, or slightly thicker if you want fat, fluffy pancakes.

Heat the oil or butter in a frying pan. It needs to be very hot - if you're using oil when you tilt the pan, it should 'wrinkle'.

Pour in about 3/4 of a ladleful of batter, it should start sizzling and the edges sealing more or less straight away.

If you want crepes, then swirl the batter round in the pan to cover the whole base in a thin layer.

If you want fluffy US-style pancakes, then pour it in slowly so it doesn't spread too much. If you have a big enough pan you can do a few at a time.

As it cooks, you will see it going solid from the edges in - when most of it looks like it's not liquid any more, flip it over, it should by this point be golden brown on the base. This step takes about 30-60 seconds the first time, then will get quicker as the pan gets hotter.

Cook the other side for the same amount of time, then serve!
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Is anyone really surprised pop brat and general annoyance Justin Bieber got arrested?

Thursday 23 January 2014
It's finally happened. The feminine-faced pop brat Justin Bieber was arrested in the early hours across the pond for being a reckless moron and ALLEGEDLY street racing in a supercar in a tourist area while ALLEGEDLY under the influence of alcohol and who knows what else. What makes this more ridiculous is that his entourage ALLEGEDLY blocked the road so he could play his ridiculously dangerous game while his FATHER was ALLEGEDLY with him at the time. Way to parent there, bro. Seriously.

Not being a twelve year old, I think I've gone through his past few years in action without actually hearing one of his songs. I couldn't name one of his albums, or even explain how he got famous. But I do know he's graced the Sidebar of Shame on more than one occasion. Brattish behaviour, egg throwing, lashing out at paparazzi, and just generally being a repulsive person have sealed his fate as a selfish moron. To most.

His mother has said that we shouldn't judge him, we should pray for him. And maybe she's right. Maybe we should see this as a giant cry for help, one that could stop him overdosing on the pavement outside a nightclub while scared and terrified people look on as he foams at the mouth gasping for breath. Maybe it would stop him getting a gun and taking away his own life due to the enormous pressure fame has placed on his shoulders. Maybe.

But this is a time for judgement. His fans, Beliebers as they're hideously known, have always found ways to excuse his behaviour. "HATERZ," they cry, while lambasting people with taste in music, and sending death threats to anyone brave enough to say what all sane people think - he's a brat who has no limits and no end of funds in which to cause no end of trouble. To Beliebers, their idol could commit mass murder, kill a dozen puppies and drown a thousand kittens and they'd write it off as HATERZ not appreciating him.

As much as I despise it, he is a role model to millions. He's telling people it's ok to drink, use drugs, drive and basically do whatever they want, screw anyone getting hurt in the meantime. The law is finally using its power to show this isn't the case. And I for one would love to shake the hand of the policeman who was probably itching to take him away for his mug shot and a night in a cell.

What's next for him? Who knows. I don't particularly care. As long as he stops putting people in danger, I'll be happy.

Update: In true moronic Belieber style, the hashtag #freebieber is trending. Which makes it even more imperative he does time. Don't worry though guys, he'll rebrand as a gangstah rapper and you'll have even more money to spend on him! LOL!

What do you think? Is Justin descending into a meltdown of Lohan proportions, do you think his people will PR their way out of it with a faux-teary confessional on Oprah, or will he actually learn to stop being such a pretentious, entitled, terrible-haired diva?
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Australia Day and four reasons why it (Ayers) rocks

Ah Australia. Once the land we sent all our undesirable scum and low-down criminals to, it's now a place most of us Brits can only dream about calling home.

With gorgeous weather, crystal clear beaches fringed with whiter than white sand, some of the most amazing reefs in the world, hot tanned surfers, and all manner of insects that will paralyse and eat you alive while you have a morning wee, you can't help but think those exiles got an awesome deal out of it (aside from the potential death at every corner, of course). For example, their Whitehaven (pictured) is slightly better than ours.

So what better way to celebrate our long-lost cousins than on Australia Day, this 26th January. The day which marks the arrival of Captain Arthur Phillip and the First Fleet in 1788. Let's take a moment to reflect on some of Australia's awesomeness.

1. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo

WHAT'S THAT SKIP? A BOY'S TRAPPED IN AN OLD MINESHAFT AND IS BEING HUNTED BY DINGOES? AND THERE'S A BUSH FIRE CLOSING IN? AND POACHERS HAVE THEIR GUNS READY TO SHOOT? Skippy, Skippy, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo was one of the best programmes around. Made in the 60s, it entertained families with its good, clean, mildly perilous adventures. If you're too young to remember, you need to youtube and get on that. Skippy, the lady 'roo was eponymous hero, helping a ranger and his son keep a nature reserve safe from all manner of tragedies. In real life kangaroos are devious selfish animals that would sooner rip your face off than help one iota if you were in any form of mild danger, but that's neither here nor there.

2. Soaps

Australia made soaps. Ok, so I haven't watched Neighbours for about ten years now. But when I did, and when I loved it so much I bought the board game, it had it all: a fresh-faced hotpants-free Kylie, Karl Kennedy and his affair, Steph, Drew and Libby's love triangle, Harold Bishop dying and then returning mysteriously with amnesia, Holly Valance, Delta Goodrem, BOUNCER'S DREAM SEQUENCE... the list really does go on. There's no way Corrie can keep up with those gorgeous tanned specimens of humans. Roy Cropper holding a surfboard in Speedos? No. Thank. You.

3. Booze

Yeah, you can get wine from everywhere. Even Macedonia. But The UK actually imports more Aussie wine than from France, which when you think about distances - one a short jaunt on a boat, the other a hellish journey full of jetlag - is pretty amazing. Hardys is the number one selling bottle over here (one I'm VERY familiar with and is a key component of a steak dinner), and considering most vines in Europe were destroyed because of disease Aussie vineyards have some of the oldest grapes going. But, most importantly, the Australians invented the box o' wine. Because nothing says casual dining than pouring a fine vintage from a crate. Honestly.

4. The Crocodile Hunter

RIP Steve Irwin. I don't remember where I was when I heard Princess Di died. I don't know where I was when I heard Nelson Mandela died. But I remember the day it was reported everyone's favourite animal botherer, Steve, had died. It was tragic, and a huge loss to the world. His programmes instilled a love of animals in me and my fellow schoolfriends. Even better, his voice and mannerisms were ripe for parody - he was the subject of Nocturnal Secondary School, a video created for media studies which saw us students study our teacher's lives after-hours (that sounds dodgy as hell). He left his legacy with his wife Terri, daughter Bindi, the Irwin Turtle, and the Crikey steveirwini a scientifically recognised species of snail. But it ain't the same. You're alright, mate.

So this Australia day, I'll raise a glass of red, throw a shrimp on the barbie (lol jk it's probs going to snow) and dream about sitting on gorgeous beaches being fanned by an emu while a hot server guy brings me Tim Tams. Australia, you rock.
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We ask a boy: Why didn't he text me back?

Wednesday 22 January 2014
Date didn't text you back? You need a douchebag jar.
It's that age-old issue. That question that most of us will ask at least once in our life. Why didn't he call after our date? Why didn't he text me back? Did I have snot hanging out my nose or something? So we asked a boy what it means, what you can do, and why you probably aren't the issue.

Now, before I start, I’d just like to make one thing clear: this isn’t based on one personal experience, nor is it fantasy. It is a cumulative (almost) 30 years of experience as a male.

You meet a boy. He seems charming. You’re sure he’s available, and he appears interested. Things in your mind are positive, so you take the plunge and suggest a date. He agrees, and those butterflies calm down. You’ve done the obligatory stalking on social media, and you may have asked some mutual friends what he’s like.

Date night approaches. You’ve sifted through your wardrobe to find your best outfit. It’s not too over the top, nor does it give him the impression you're a librarian (sorry if you actually ARE a librarian). Drinks go really well. You both laugh at rubbish jokes, and there’s a degree of flirting. You leave after saying your goodbyes, and you wait for him to text. If you’re extra brave, you let him know how much you enjoyed the evening, leaving the door open for date number two.

And here’s where it goes wrong.

He doesn’t text. You spend a day or two suggesting reasons why. Ultimately you’ll never know. As quickly as it started, it's over.

So why don’t some boys text back?

For those of you unaware of the greatest film in history, the opening scenes of ‘The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie’ is all about the thrill of the chase. So, firstly, meeting in a club is hardly ever conducive to a happy relationship. Why? Because you’re looking for different things. You might be looking to meet someone, but more than likely he’s after the chase and, if he's lucky, an overnight stay with breakfast not included. And if you put out on the first night, you might not see it at the time, but he already thinks you’re no challenge. You'll become a booty call, whether that’s what you’re looking for or not.

Why didn't he text me back?There are exceptions to the rule, but my point is this - you don’t look at someone in a club and think “Oooh they have a lovely personality!!1!!1!”

Even if you've met through other means, friends, friends of friends, whatever, if there’s no instant spark for him when you meet up for your date, it’s unlikely he’ll be back in touch. He enjoyed the chase, the texting, the flirting, but the spark wasn't there on the night. That’s it.

Please don’t get all super crazy beating yourself up about it. These things happen. But what if you think it was something you did on your date? Are you stuck over-analysing every minute of the evening? Was there really snot hanging from your nose?!

There's no point thinking over every little thing you may have done that stopped him asking for date 2. So be yourself. Laugh at pigeons if you find them funny. Don’t be afraid to spill food all over yourself if you’re clumsy. It gives him an idea of who you are. What’s the point in pretending to be someone you are not, to find he quite likes that faux persona? What are you going to do when the real you comes through? EXACTLY.

So if the future love of your life doesn’t text back, worry not fair lady. Eat Ben and Jerry's. Watch Bridget Jones’ Diary. Have pillow fights in your underwear with the girls while eating Maltesers. Commit to becoming a lesbian. Sing along to Taylor Swift. Grab a voodoo doll and get pin-happy. Get up, dust yourself off, realise you’re better off without him. Don’t make an effort to find a boy - you’ll always end up settling for something less than you deserve. I personally have the most amazing girl. It was unexpectedly. We clicked straight away. She’s nothing short of perfect. It does happen. You just have to be patient. Mr Right is out there, and he’ll reveal himself in due course.

Come on ladies. Share your stories below. How have you dealt with radio silence? You can be as anon as you like with this one!
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Review: Feng Sushi and the Feng Diet

Tuesday 21 January 2014
As part of our favourite #VIB collaboration, we chose blogger and London girl Lisa to review a January detox with a difference - after all, one of her resolutions is to start being a bit more healthy! Here's what she thought of living on sushi, sashimi and soup... Oh, and aren't her photos just stunning?! To get on the list and be considered for the next opportunity, just click here.

Twelfth Night has come and gone, the sad dry Christmas trees that lay abandoned on the streets of London have been taken away and even the Bountys have been eaten from the last box of Celebrations. All that's left from the festive period is that one item of decoration that you forgot to pack away (there's always one) and a bloated feeling from all of the Christmas overeating. So when I was invited to review a detox diet, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to kick-start a healthy eating regime in 2014.
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Here's how to... be happy at work

Monday 20 January 2014
A few weeks ago, we talked about how to resign from a job you're really not all that fussed about. But what happens if that's not an option? With Daily Mail having us all believe immigrants are terkin err jerbs (bonus points if you get the reference there) and purses getting squeezed from all angles, how can you really be happy at work if quitting isn't a option?

Well. Cadbury Dairy Milk, who have claimed #freethejoy as their hashtag, recently held a survey on how we cheer ourselves in the office, and we just had to share it with you. Especially in bleak, when-is-payday January. Next time you're sat there bored to death by Donna from sales' story about her weekend plans and how she just had the most amazing time with the girls because WHO NEEDS MEN and by the way did she tell you about Jim from payroll's gambling addiction, try one of these five tips to be happy at work. Because when you're happy, everyone else is likely to be too.
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The Super Bowl, and how to give a hoot

Thursday 16 January 2014
With the impending Super Bowl XLVIII (Superb Owl from this point onwards) on the horizon, 2nd Feb to be exact, I have been requested by my girlfriend to put together this basic guide of the game. I mean, it lasts for hours, and you don't want to be asking every 30 seconds what's going on. This guide will not only impress others with your in-depth knowledge of the rules, it will help you survive the most-watched event on TV in 2014.


Don't see this spectacle as a waste of several hours. See it as an opportunity. Be an American for the evening. Eat your body weight in fried food, and indulge in drinking beer. Coors or Bud is recommended. Throw away your passport, greet everyone you meet warmly, and embrace your right to bear arms, whether gun or ursine.
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Getting closure and... hang on why did I even hit the publish button?

Wednesday 15 January 2014
Closure. If you're a Friends fan, you'll remember the scene well. You know the one. Ross is dating Julie. They're getting a cat. Rachel likes Ross. Rachel needs to move on. She needs closure. There's a drunken phone call. And a voicemail. When I first saw it, I had just turned a very mature ten years old. I had no idea what the hell Rachel was on about. Until I grew up, closure was just a scene in an episode.
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Closed: WIN! Olloclip 4-IN-1 iPhone lens worth £59.99

Monday 13 January 2014
Can't afford a dSLR? Wouldn't have the foggiest about macro lenses, f stops, wide angle vs portrait lenses, shutter speeds, and the rest? You're not alone. So we're offering our readers the chance to win an olloclip, which is basically everything a full camera kit is, minus the fifteen lenses, memory cards and huge camera bag you need to lug around.

Perhaps you're a Lomo or toy camera fan. Rather than mess about with Holga's medium format film, or shelling out loads on developing 35mm, this little beauty gives you similar effects.

And this is particularly great for bloggers, as the attachment has four lenses so you can capture close-up images of your clothes, wide angle beach scenes and awesome fisheye shots. It's small enough to fit in your pocket, meaning gone are the days of lugging around a huge camera. All you'll need is an iPhone.
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Fitspiration and the workout that'll have you in tears

Friday 10 January 2014
New Year's full of resolutions. Quit smoking. Be happy. Get fit. Lose weight. So we asked ethical blogger Charlotte for her take on intensive workouts that have bloggers crippled in agony in their quest for the perfect beach body...

When I first heard about the Insanity Workout, I thought it would be like all the other workout DVDs you see lining shop shelves at this time of year. Something that’s a little challenging, but is also easy enough for people to do as their first workout. Because of this it didn’t cross my mind again until I started following a fitness blogger on Twitter. They seemed to have good things to say about Insanity.

I reasoned if a blogger, a fitness one at that, was raving about it, it's worth a look. Before purcashing the workout, I decided to read a few reviews. I found one. I started reading. I stopped reading. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.

For those of you who don’t know, Insanity is a high-intensity workout programme. You order a set of DVDs, and you’re expected to follow a 60 day schedule. Insanity’s designed to see you through 10 weeks. This seemed like a red flag in itself. I started working out regularly in November. One of the first things in my induction pack said that you should rest for 24-48 hours between workouts. This gives your body a chance to recover, which is especially important if you’re new to an exercise routine. Giving yourself enough rest is a sure-fire way to reduce your risk of getting injured.

If you’re doing an intense workout 6 days a week, you’re not giving yourself a good enough chance to recover. From what I’ve read, most of the workouts featured in the Insanity programme are based on pretty standard moves. Ski jumps, squats and high knee runs are things you’d probably do in any aerobics class. The difference here is that you increase your speed at the start of every circuit. This is what makes it difficult.

It’s also the cause of my main issue with Insanity. According to the review I read, the DVDs actually feature people crying in pain. A quick Google search also showed the stories of people who’d had similar experiences. If you feel any pain when exercising, that’s a sign that you need to stop. The company’s website (and apparently the DVD’s coach) state that you should take breaks if you need to.

It seems that a lot of people are ignoring this.

The whole point of exercise is to improve your health. While it’s fine to challenge yourself, there are limits to this. Pushing yourself far beyond these limits isn’t healthy; it’s counter-productive.

I’m not just talking about the physical side, either. So-called ‘fitspiration’ trends can make you feel like you’re not good enough. Like you’re a failure, if you have the nerve to rest your muscles twice in a week. That wanting to eat a biscuit is a sign of weakness. The company that produces the work out pushes the idea that if you haven’t toned every last muscle, then your body’s not acceptable. This sort of attitude is why so many people dread the thought of going to the beach.

If you want to improve your health, then good for you! But the whole key to being healthy is moderation. There’s nothing wrong with eating a few cakes every now and then. But if you want to get fit, you eat your treats in moderation. The same goes for exercising. Working out far beyond your ability isn’t going to help. I made this mistake in my first workout class. I had muscle fatigue for three days!

The best way to get fit is to build yourself up gradually, and to get plenty of rest. It doesn’t involve memes, embarrassment or self-destruction.
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Totally addicted to blogs (wah-oh wah-oh)

Wednesday 8 January 2014
Peer pressure. For some, it was the gateway to smoking, drinking, and sex. It's something, as children, we're told to resist. If your friend jumped off a cliff, you wouldn't follow them, RIGHT? But what if ALL your friends were doing it?

Being in my late twenties, it's easy to think the days of your friends telling you to try it 'just this once' will subside, but honestly, it doesn't. 'Oh just put it on the card!' 'It's just one drink, don't be so boring!' 'Buy it, it's half price!' The pressure to keep up with the Joneses carries on. And what's really interesting is the part bloggers have to play in this.

After seeing a tweet of someone questioning a purchase because a blogger had written about it, we took a little informal survey last night and asked people whether they buy things based on blog posts. Almost all said they did.

One avid blog reader, who wished to remain anonymous and who we will call Lucy, has racked up a credit card bill of over £1000 through buying products bloggers rave about. She's 23, and says it's a never-ending quest to keep up with what's new and featured. Lucy simply doesn't care how much debt she gets herself in if it means keeping up with the trends.

"I'm not a blogger," she says, "but I'm addicted to blogs. I have about 400 I read every month, and I spend hours every evening catching up with hundreds of my favourite bloggers, leaving comments and bookmarking all their product reviews and OOTD."

"I don't think it's an obsession. I enjoy reading, and love shopping." Lucy's bought everything from a £200 blouse featured on one blog, to candles from charity shops. "My friends tell me I have such great style, and I have a lovely bedroom. I have bloggers to thank for their hard work. Hearing my friends comments makes me feel popular, and makes every minute worth it."

Lucy lives at home with her parents, and has so far managed to conceal her blogger buying habits from them. "They do wonder how I can afford so many deliveries on my sales assistant wage, but most of the time I say a friend's recommended it to me, and that seems to put them at ease."

Will her spending habits continue on in 2014? Lucy isn't sure. But hearing her mention taking out a payday
loan did set the alarm bells ringing.

So what advice would we give to bloggers?

Firstly, don't be too positive. Kellie, of Big Fashionista (who may have also discovered she can't resist buying lipsticks once she's read about them) says it's all about balance. "I love blogs which tell me what they don't like as often as what they do. Or temper their reviews with comments such as 'it didn't work for me, however it may work for you.' Balance is everything." Having said that, Kellie would never blame a blogger for a bad purchase. "What worked for their skin/hair/face may not work the same on mine. That's not down to them."

Secondly, be mega honest. While most bloggers will forgive a make up shade being wrong for their skin tone, they won't let lying slide. And when you have readers like Lucy, it's imperative you're not selling something that isn't as great as you say. Erica, of I'm Being Erica, says she's been stung by a bloggers not being totally honest about a pretty shoddy product. "It made me think that the blogger is either stupid, or spineless," she says. "Either way, if you're paid to write a review, at least make it an honest one. Those bloggers have never had my return page views."

Thirdly, don't bet on sponsored blog posts converting to sales - make sure brands know it's more about raising their profile than raking in cash monies. Of the 38 people who got in touch, 32 of them said they wouldn't trust a paid-for post at all. The remaining bunch said if the blogger had tried and tested whatever product they were selling and liked what was talked about, they might be persuaded into buying, but only after more research. Afra, who blogs at Mad Mum of 7 falls into the latter category. "If it just looks like a big ol' advert I’ll flick off after the first few paragraphs. But if it looks like the writer has an interest and actually genuinely seems to be recommending something I would look closer."

And what about buyers?

Charlie, writer of Gin Fuelled Bluestocking, admits she's influenced by bloggers and has bought everything from shampoo to jam. But she's never spent beyond her means. "Everything I've bought has been useful and there have been some really useful beauty products. I still consider things carefully, especially budget wise, so if it's a £100 face cream, I'll think about it long and hard before I buy it!"

What about you? Have you been influenced into buying something you'd never normally consider? Have you bought into a hype and been left with a bitter taste in your mouth? Share your stories on twitter or below!
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Review: Bodega Bar and Cantina, Birmingham

Tuesday 7 January 2014
Birmingham blogger Tasha's found another great little place for all you midland folk. Didn't see her Home Is Where... review before? Give it a read here.

Located around the corner from Birmingham Snow Hill Station is a gem of a place that serves the most incredible South American cuisine. It goes by the name of Bodega Bar and Cantina. It's far away enough from the rush of the Bullring Shopping Centre, but central enough to enjoy the buzzing atmosphere.

Bodega directly translated from Spanish, means ‘cellar’ or ‘wine cellar’ and a Cantina is normally a bar near a work place. Something similar to a canteen. All these words definitely are a way to describe the vibe in Bodega and make the place different to every other place within Birmingham.
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Return of the Mack - A New Look Story and an Update

Monday 6 January 2014
So, most of you have probably opened presents and gorged yourself on food. Now it's time to settle down with your laptop or iPad, get away from the family argument, and have a little read of what I like to call, a New Look story (seriously though, it's just about returning a coat with some mainly fictional drama).

I needed a new coat. I'm not about faux fur trims or looking like I should don a pair of Hunter wellies, a shotgun, and four dead fox carcasses. I know how to wear a jumper, rather than just sling it around my shoulders. The Made in Chelsea look wasn't for me. I wanted something with pockets and a hood. Not a hugely massive challenge by any means, right? Oh reader, how could you be so wrong and misguided and quite honestly, a little bit stupid.

I spent weeks looking for the perfect coat.
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Plaits, gel and ponies: Our hair trends for 2014

Wednesday 1 January 2014
We’ve watched the catwalks with interest, consulted our crystal balls and are predicting a few hair trends for 2014.

Will bobs be back? Will Ombre be over? Will curls be cut? Here are our 2014 hair trend forecasts.

Messy ponies

If you’re a hairstyling aficionado, looking for a new look or just wanting to inject some pizzazz into your morning routine, next season ponytails are really jumping the hurdles. Try sectioning your hair into three ponytails tied together with ribbon, or backcombed roots with the rest swept up for a messy, carefree look. How about leaving half your hair loose and the other knotted and tied into place? It’s all about being creative and different.
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