Here's how to... be happy at work

Monday 20 January 2014
A few weeks ago, we talked about how to resign from a job you're really not all that fussed about. But what happens if that's not an option? With Daily Mail having us all believe immigrants are terkin err jerbs (bonus points if you get the reference there) and purses getting squeezed from all angles, how can you really be happy at work if quitting isn't a option?

Well. Cadbury Dairy Milk, who have claimed #freethejoy as their hashtag, recently held a survey on how we cheer ourselves in the office, and we just had to share it with you. Especially in bleak, when-is-payday January. Next time you're sat there bored to death by Donna from sales' story about her weekend plans and how she just had the most amazing time with the girls because WHO NEEDS MEN and by the way did she tell you about Jim from payroll's gambling addiction, try one of these five tips to be happy at work. Because when you're happy, everyone else is likely to be too.

1. Lip-synch to hold music.

If your day is spent on the phone, there's a good chance you can name each of your contact's hold music. There's nothing more frustrating than being told your call is important while listening to panpipes on repeat, when at the other end of the line is a switchboard operator gossiping with a fellow switchboard operator while the calls queue up. So 45% of people found that instead of quietly seething with rage, lip-synching to hold music is a sure fire way of feeling better about the whole experience, and will get the guy who sits opposite you giggling too.

2. Chatting to friends or loved ones

Hmmm. Tricky one this. The last thing you want to do is give the impression you're dossing on company time. But a quick lunchtime chat with friends to find out what the evening's plans are, or to sort out a dinner date with your special someone, can really improve moods. Over a third of people find it brings a little ray of sunshine into their otherwise dull day. Awwwww.


 3. That January enemy, chocolate.

As much as most of us are on the wagon, there's nothing worse than suffering through the day without a little treat (or three). Again, over a third of office workers feel that snacking on their favourite candy perks them up enough to enjoy their working day a bit more. If going full on Double Decker isn't your style, choose a treat you can nibble on with a cup of tea. Speaking of which...

4. Drinking (tea, that is)

One in every three people said this simple little brew makes them way happier at work. While copywriting at a health and beauty website, my editor Judy had a 4pm tea time rule where we'd down tools for 15 minutes and put the kettle on. It helped that last hour or so go by really quickly, and was a perfect excuse to stretch your legs, catch up with work and gossip about One Direction being in the offices outside our building.

5. Reading and sharing memes and other internet goodies

The internet is full of many a distraction. A quarter of us finds that having a quick browse on Buzzfeed, tumblr, Twitter, or the Daily Mail's Sidebar of Shame (we know you look, don't try and deny it) is enough to perk up the mood in the office. Sharing funny memes, like this, this, and even this, (honestly, you'll be glad you clicked) not only gives you a giggle, but can really make others smile too. Just for goodness sake don't end up sending a global email to the entire company with a clearly NSFW image. Your boss doesn't need to know you're into penis fireworks.

What do you do to add joy to your working day? Are you a meme-lover, or forever offering cups of tea to colleagues? Let us know on twitter, or leave a comment below!


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